
東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 深切治療部

PYNEH ICU Family Engagement (FAME) program


深切治療部醫療程序  ICU procedures:

PYNICU common equipment 1


The medical team may discuss with you on procedures that your family /friend may need while he /she is in the ICU. A description of the procedure, the reason(s) for it to be done, potential benefit(s) and harm(s) of performing the procedure is listed below to help you understand and make a decision:

支氣管鏡檢查                                Bronchoscopy

胸腔引流術                                   Chest Drain Insertion

顯影劑造影的電腦掃描檢查        Contrast Study for Computer-Assisted Tomography Scan

氣道插管                                       Endotracheal Intubation

體外膜氧合                                   Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)

有創輔助通氣                               Invasive Assisted Ventilation

無創輔助通氣                               Noninvasive Assistend Ventilation (NIV)

肺動脈壓力監測                           Pulmonary Arterial Pressure Monitoring

經皮氣管造口                               Percutaneous Tracheostomy

血漿置換/血漿去除術                   Plasma Exchange /Plasmapheresis

俯臥體位治療                               Prone Positioning

腎臟替代治療                               Renal Replacement Therapy

目標體溫治療                               Targeted Temperature Management

經靜脈心臟起搏                           Travenous Cardiac Pacing
